Complex research, clearly explained
Dreaming of making an impact? Great! We help you translate your research or project into a clear message, tailored to your audience.

Presentation, poster & pitch
We give workshops and coaching, online or on location.
Your research in the media
We help you come out with your research, in the media or on a stage.
From research to policy impact
Make a difference in society with your research and move towards policymakers.
Our most popular workshops
Presenting with impact
You learn how to present your complex message in a clear and appealing manner. Our focus is on content, performance, and slides. To get started right away.
Scientific posters
How do you stand out in a room with a hundred scientific posters? We will explain, step by step, how to translate your core message into a clear and attractive poster. Success guaranteed!
Pitch your research
Need to explain your research or project to a jury or a large audience in one to three minutes? We will help you to find the essence and to convey it convincingly. Less is more!
Our specialized workshops
How to present online?
How can you hold your audience’s attention when presenting in front of a webcam? During this training you will learn how to get the best results: from interaction, empathy, to eye contact.
Science4Policy: from research to policy impact
Research that remains on the shelf is a missed opportunity. Because your insights or data can make a difference to policy. But how do you take the step towards policymakers? And how do you ensure relevant collaboration?
Your research in the media
Does no one seem interested in your research? During this practical workshop you will learn to think like a journalist. We will look for the wow factor that makes your research captivating.
Presentation performance
How do you give a confident impression on stage and in front of the webcam with stress raging through your body? Come discover our practical tips on body language, voice projection, and interaction.
Slide design
Do jam-packed, illegible slides make you shudder? During our workshop you will discover how to put just enough relevant information on your slides and we will also share with you some graphic design tips.
Forget boring presentations. PechaKucha is a format of 20 slides and just 20 seconds per slide. The result: inspiring presentations and an engaged audience. We teach you how to do it.
Official trainer of Nerdland Festival

The floor is yours
Because life is too short for bad presentations.
Would you like a clear list of all the essential elements of a convincing presentation? Then this book is perfect for you!
Also available in Dutch.
Book: € 29.99, e-book: € 22.99
A new presentation tip in our monthly blog
AI for Researchers: A Smarter Way to Build Your Presentation
Can Artificial intelligence assist researchers in delivering better presentations? The answer is yes—but only if you understand how to navigate it. Without the right guidance, you …
Science for Policy: From Research to Policy Impact
Advising governments on science is essential. Whether it’s tackling public health, advancing AI, or combating climate change. But how do you bring your insights to …
Lessons from an award winning scientific poster
From workshop to award After a poster workshop from The Floor is Yours, Michelle Wijshoff, a researcher at imec, won a poster award for her poster …
Research day, conference, or science event? We’ll make it rock!

Nerdland Festival: the largest outdoor science festival in Belgium.

The Battle of the Scientists: present your research to primary school children.

We organize events, such as Eos Pipet.