Science4Policy: from research to policy impact

Research that remains on the shelf is a missed opportunity. Because your insights or data can make a difference to policy. But how do you take the step towards policymakers? And how do you ensure relevant collaboration?

In this ‘Science for policy’ workshop, you will learn the do’s and don’ts of effective policy support.

You will get insights, inspiring examples and tips you can put to work immediately. So that your research makes a real difference in society.

These topics are covered in the workshop

  1. How do policymakers look at researchers? Is there a gap between research and policy? And why do things sometimes go wrong?
  2. Your research: how to make it relevant to policy? We apply the tips to your own research topic.
  3. How to collaborate effectively with policymakers? And what are the lessons for successful policy advice from both policy and research experts?

By learning these lessons, you can improve your ability to provide useful policy recommendations and make a positive impact.

  • For whom


    Researchers, scientists or research managers at universities, colleges and research institutes.

    Have you not come in contact with policymakers yet? Or do you already have experience? You are welcome!  The workshop is aimed at researchers with and without policy advice experience.

    All research topics are eligible, from the calming effect of music and the nitrate levels in groundwater to bullying behaviour in the workplace.

  • Approach


    Our workshops are always:

    Customized We adapt the content to the target group.

    Interactive We involve the participants and let them immediately try out our tips.

    Specific No endless chatter, but practical tips and recognizable examples.

    Beforehand, you complete a short questionnaire about your experience in policy consulting. You will also prepare a pitch about your research.

  • # Participants


    A maximum of 12 participants per workshop.

  • Language


    English or Dutch.

  • Instructor


    Hans Van de Water founded The Floor is Yours and holds a master’s in political science. He has trained thousands of scientists and professionals in communicating research clearly and convincingly, from Finland to South Africa. Hans attended the trainer course ‘Evidence for policy’ of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

  • Venue and timing


    At your location. Half or full day. Additional sessions are possible.

    The workshop lasts a full day (9:30 am to 4:30 pm). Additional try-out sessions are possible, as is a shortened workshop or keynote.

  • Pitch your research

    Need to explain your research or project to a jury or a large audience in one to three minutes? We will help you to find the essence and to convey it convincingly. Less is more!

    More info

  • Your research in the media

    Does no one seem interested in your research? During this practical workshop you will learn to think like a journalist. We will look for the wow factor that makes your research captivating.

    More info

  • Presenting with impact

    In this workshop, participants will learn to present their complex message in a clear and appealing manner. Our focus is on content, performance, and slides.

    More info

What do the participants think?

  • Hereby again my appreciation for your Science4Policy workshop, an excellent initiative. The participants’ eagerness was striking and indicative of how much interest there is in this aspect of R&I valorisation and how little attention is paid to it.

    Saskia Decuypere PhD, Lead Innovation and Impact, Institute of Tropical Medicine
  • I learned a huge amount from it both from you and the other participants. Always interesting to see how researchers from different fields and institutions deal with the same topic! Really a very valuable initiative.

    Annelies Van de Ven UCLouvain
  • Thank you very much for another very inspiring workshop. I have attended many workshops elsewhere and you really do guarantee quality!

    Liesbet Saenen PhD student UHasselt
  • The insight that politics is also a game has a calming effect. Because it explains why my previous experiences were sometimes difficult.

    Leen Vandevelde PhD student VUB
  • A very informative workshop, Hans! I hope to apply your lessons in practice soon.

    Tim Boogaerts post-doctoral researcher, Antwerp University