Presenting with impact

In this workshop, participants will learn to present their complex message in a clear and appealing manner. Our focus is on content, performance, and slides.

We cover these topics

  • Structure how do I best structure my presentation?
  • Attention how do I make my presentation interesting for my audience?
  • Simple how do I simplify a complex story and make sure the audience understands me?
  • Impact how do I achieve the desired result with my presentation?
  • Body language and tone how do I best use them to reinforce my message?
  • Interaction how do I involve my audience during a presentation?
  • Stress how do I turn an enemy into an ally?
  • Text how do I ensure clear slides that support my message?
  • Graphs how do I present data without boggling my audience?
  • Photos and illustrations where can I find them and how do I best use them?
  • Target audience


    Researchers, scientists, students and professionals, at universities, colleges, governments, companies and associations.

  • Format


    Online, on location or blended learning. A half or full day, additional sessions are possible.

  • Language


    Dutch, English or Spanish

  • Instructor


    Hans Van de Water or Erik Luijts, science communication experts. They have already trained thousands of researchers and professionals in clear communication.

  • Approach


    Our workshops are always:

    Customized We adapt the content to the target group.

    Interactive We involve the participants and let them immediately try out our tips.

    Specific No endless chatter, but practical tips and recognizable examples.

Create your training

  • Workshop

    Participants will receive our best presentation tips during the workshop, with customized examples and practical exercises. Choose between a half or full-day workshop. A short version of one hour or two hours is possible too. On location or online.

  • Try-out session (optional)

    Knowing how to do it is one thing, but applying this to your own topic and getting immediate feedback will ensure the very best learning experience. We do this in a small group during the try-out session.

  • Book (optional)

    Our book ‘The floor is yours: Because life is too short for bad presentations’ contains useful presentation tips and useful tools. It is an ideal addition to this workshop.

Sample combinations

  • A half-day workshop with 10 participants on location and two try-out sessions in a smaller group (5 participants each) a few days later.
  • An online 2-hour workshop, followed by two online try-out sessions in the afternoon.
  • Organizations can also book just a workshop. In that case, the full-day workshop offers the most learning opportunities for the participants.

Try-out session

With a try-out session, the participants will have the opportunity to process our workshop tips and apply them to their own research or project. (5 participants, 1,5-2 hours per session)

During the session they will give a brief presentation and receive feedback from the instructor and fellow participants. This will fully prepare them for that upcoming conference or research day. We provide a try-out session the day itself or a few days after the workshop. The combination of the workshop and a try-out session generally produces the best results.

Book The Floor is Yours

The book ‘The floor is yours: Because life is too short short for bad presentations’ is the ideal addition to our workshops. It not only deals with the topics from the workshop, but also goes into more detail, provides additional examples and offers useful tools that the reader can implement right away.

More info about the book


Official trainer of Nerdland Festival

With the workshop ‘Presenting with impact’ and try-out sessions we prepare the researchers for a strong presentation at Nerdland Festival.

What do the participants think?

  • The workshop was a complete success!! I heard comments like: “it was an amazing training, so useful, really really incredible, I feel lucky with this opportunity”… On top, in the closing session of the annual meeting, the prof also pointed out: “most likely, in five years, we will still remember the tips & tricks given by Hans from The Floor is Yours”. Overall, I think it was the better rated workshop in all the summer school.

    Paz Yanez-Murillo Project Manager of INSPIRE safety pharmacology
  • I have realized that my personal subject, which I basically consider to be a small part of a bigger picture, can also be “Wow”. Thanks again for this workshop!

    Christine Bingen Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
  • I found Toon his class one of the best I have ever seen when it comes to presentations. I now never end my slide with “Are there any questions”, but always with the key message 😉 Best advice ever!

    Marie-Luise Puhlmann-Manusama PhD Microbiology and Human Nutrition at Wageningen University
  • Participants were very positive about your training. They gave an average score of 9.3/10 for content and applicability.

    An Van Acker HR manager Flemish Government
  • What I like about The Floor is Yours’ workshops? They start with examples and cases from the participants themselves. That makes it very recognisable and applied. I took other courses in the past, but they were usually too theoretical and general so that I couldn’t do much with them.

    Lander Van hove Visiting professor at HoGent and spatial planner at the Flemish Department of Environment

Read more about presenting with impact in our blog

  • ‘I almost felt like a rock star’

    The impact of Antonella Fioravanti’s killer presentation Can a great presentation change your life? Yes, it can! In 2018, Molecular Biologist Antonella Fioravanti presented her research …

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  • Take your place front and center

    Giving a talk takes courage. The spotlight is on you, and instinctively many presenters simply want to hide away behind their laptop or lectern. Away …

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  • How a five-minute presentation changed our lives

    If anyone tells us that presentations don’t make an impact, we answer them about the five-minute presentation that changed our lives. This is the story …

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  • Pitch your research

    Need to explain your research or project to a jury or a large audience in one to three minutes? We will help you to find the essence and to convey it convincingly. Less is more!

    More info

  • Your research in the media

    Does no one seem interested in your research? During this practical workshop you will learn to think like a journalist. We will look for the wow factor that makes your research captivating.

    More info

  • Presentation performance

    How do you give a confident impression on stage and in front of the webcam with stress raging through your body? Come discover our practical tips on body language, voice projection, and interaction. And get ready to implement each of those tips right away.

    More info