Scientific posters with impact

How do you stand out in a room with a hundred scientific posters? We will explain, step by step, how to translate your core message into a clear and attractive poster. Success guaranteed!

We cover these topics

  • Step by step Build a poster, block by block.
  • Attention How do you draw people’s attention? Why would they listen to you?
  • The poster pitch Your story in twenty seconds.
  • Structure How do you structure a poster?
  • Clear How do you summarize a long research paper on a single poster?
  • Design How do you design a poster and where do you find good images?
  • Target audience


    Researchers, scientists, students and professionals, at universities, colleges, governments, companies and associations.

  • Format


    Online, on location or blended learning. A half or full day, additional sessions are possible.

  • Language


    English or Dutch

  • Docent


    Toon Verlinden, science communication expert and founder of The Floor is Yours. He has already trained thousands of researchers and professionals in clear communication.

  • Approach


    Our workshops are always:

    Customized We adapt the content to the target group.

    Interactive We involve the participants and let them immediately try out our tips.

    Specific No endless chatter, but practical tips and recognizable examples.

Create your training

  • Workshop

    During the workshop, participants will receive our best presentation tips, with customized examples and practical exercises. Choose between a half or full day workshop.

  • Try-out session (optional)

    Knowing how to do it is one thing, but applying this to your own topic and getting immediate feedback will ensure the very best learning experience. We do this in a small group during the try-out session.

  • Book (optional)

    Our book ‘The floor is yours: Because life is too short for bad presentations’ contains useful presentation tips and useful tools. It is an ideal addition to this workshop.

Sample combinations

  • A full day workshop, in combination with the book ‘The floor is yours’.
  • An 2-hour online workshop, followed by tree try-out sessions in the afternoon.

Try-out session

With a try-out session, the participants will have the opportunity to process our workshop tips and apply them to their own research or project.

During the session they will present their poster and receive feedback from the instructor and fellow participants. This will fully prepare them for that upcoming conference or research day.

The combination of the workshop and a try-out session generally produces the best results. We can also offer video feedback, which allows participants to process the feedback at their own pace.


The book ‘Stand out with your Scientific Poster’: A practical guide that gives you answers to questions like: what to put on a poster (and mainly: what not to)? How do you come up with a title that immediately grabs people’s attention? What are the best images to use? How many words can you include on your poster? And much, much more…

Everything you need to get started step by step and quickly achieve the best result.

More info about the book

What do the participants think?

  • I just returned from the Pathology conference in Cologne, and for the first time received several compliments on the layout of my poster (thanks to The Floor is Yours!)

    Mieke Van Bockstal Pathologist, Ghent University
  • Our poster presentation won first prize at the international conference in Lisbon! I am convinced that the workshop I attended with you, the video feedback you gave on the proof, contributed fundamentally to this success. Without it I would never have won that first prize. A heartfelt ‘obrigado’!

    Jan De Pauw Researcher at Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Last week I received my first award for the best poster presentation at a conference. And I definitely owe you credit for that.

    Vincent Jaenen PhD student UHasselt, Centre for Environmental Sciences (
  • I loved how you guided us along, step by step. At first, I had no idea how to get started on a poster, but by the end of the session I could already really envision my poster. I happily listened fully focused for the entire three hours. Well done!

    Anton Milh Researcher KU Leuven, Faculty of Theology
  • Thank you for changing my view on posters, which paid off! The conference organizer chose my poster from 180 participants as the best Early Career Researcher poster.

    Ruben Evens Researcher UHasselt
  • Pitch your research

    Need to explain your research or project to a jury or a large audience in one to three minutes? We will help you to find the essence and to convey it convincingly. Less is more!

    More info

  • How to present online?

    How can you hold your audience’s attention when presenting in front of a webcam? During this training you will learn what to pay attention to: from interaction, eye contact, to the right software.

    More info

  • Presentation performance

    How do you give a confident impression on stage and in front of the webcam with stress raging through your body? Come discover our practical tips on body language, voice projection, and interaction.

    More info