Our workshops

Learn to tell your story in a clear and convincing manner, for immediate results. That is the aim of our workshops.

You choose the topic: a pitch for a jury, a scientific poster, or an online lesson.

  • Presentation, poster & pitch

    We give workshops and coaching, online or on location.

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  • Your research in the media

    We help you come out with your research, in the media or on a stage.

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  • From research to policy impact

    Make a difference in society with your research and move towards policymakers.

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  • Presenting with impact

    You learn how to present your complex message in a clear and appealing manner. Our focus is on content, performance, and slides. To get started right away.

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  • Scientific posters

    How do you stand out in a room with a hundred scientific posters? We will explain, step by step, how to translate your core message into a clear and attractive poster. Success guaranteed!

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  • Pitch your research

    Need to explain your research or project to a jury or a large audience in one to three minutes? We will help you to find the essence and to convey it convincingly. Less is more!

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  • How to present online?

    How can you hold your audience’s attention when presenting in front of a webcam? During this training you will learn how to get the best results: from interaction, empathy, to eye contact.

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  • Presentation performance

    How do you give a confident impression on stage and in front of the webcam with stress raging through your body? Come discover our practical tips on body language, voice projection, and interaction.

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  • Slide design

    Do jam-packed, illegible slides make you shudder? During our workshop you will discover how to put just enough relevant information on your slides and we will also share with you some graphic design tips.

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  • PechaKucha

    Forget boring presentations. PechaKucha is a format of 20 slides and just 20 seconds per slide. The result: inspiring presentations and an engaged audience. We teach you how to do it.

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  • Your research in the media

    Does no one seem interested in your research? During this practical workshop you will learn to think like a journalist. We will look for the wow factor that makes your research captivating.

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  • Science4Policy: from research to policy impact

    Research that remains on the shelf is a missed opportunity. Because your insights or data can make a difference to policy. But how do you take the step towards policymakers? And how do you ensure relevant collaboration?

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  • I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful tips. I adjusted my presentation and made sure I am not nervous by practice. Following my presentation, I had close to 20 people tell me it was the best presentation of the conference.

    Maryam Salehijam PhD student in European Private Law, Ghent University
  • Thank you for your advice about presentations. Today I had to do a presentation and I really tried to apply all your tips for the slides. At the end one of my supervisor told me that she really liked it, that there was “something different” that she could not explain 🙂

    Jessica Bridoux PhD student, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, VUB
  • In just half day of online course, I realized that sometimes my presentation could have sounded boring, and I saw clear examples to avoid it. On top of that, we were devided in small groups of peers and I got feedbacks on how to link the scientific contents of my presentation. I don’t see a better way to train my presentation skills!

    Gabriele Nasello PhD student, Biomechanics, KU Leuven
  • Target audience


    Researchers, scientists, students and professionals, at universities, colleges, governments, companies and associations.

  • Format


    Online, on location or blended learning. A half or full day, additional sessions are possible.

  • Language


    Dutch, English or Spanish

  • Participants


    We offer workshops in smaller groups of 6 to 15 people, as well as webinars for up to 250 participants.

  • Approach


    Our workshops are always:

    Customized We adapt the content to the target group.

    Interactive We involve the participants and let them immediately try out our tips.

    Specific No endless chatter, but practical tips and recognizable examples.