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  • First aid kit for difficult questions

    What to do when you don’t know the answer to a question from your audience? Crumble in fearRun awayMake something up Neither one of these will probably …

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  • ‘If you can’t explain it in 20 seconds, you don’t understand it well enough’

    A phrase that could have well been spoken by Einstein. But it wasn’t him. And yet there’s plenty of truth in it. During a presentation, on a poster …

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  • How researcher Julie De Smedt made her infographic

    I was recently asked to take a look at Julie De Smedt’s infographic about her research. Julie is a researcher with Steunpunt Media, and this …

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  • Answering questions from your audience

    What makes you nervous when presenting? I asked this question to the participants of a workshop on stress and body language. Their most common answer was: …

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  • Cosmology in 24 seconds

    Each year scientists try to outshine one another during the 24/7 talks. This event is organized during the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. The Ig Nobel Prize is …

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  • Templates: three ground rules

    You probably know them all too well: those presentation templates with each slide displaying the institute’s logo, a dash of color here, a bit of …

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  • The best presentation ever (about sex)

    I admit, I hesitated before I decided to put sex in there. Was that just too easy? Titles are designed to attract attention. I used “sex” …

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  • How to win a scientific poster contest

    Dorien Goubert, researcher with the University Ghent, plans to attend a symposium about pain in Vienna. She wants to know how she can win the …

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  • Kids help researchers deliver better presentations

    On May 8th, the Science Battle will take place. Researchers will be presenting their work to elementary school children. Out of 24 submissions, the children …

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  • Professional photos for your posters and presentations

    “Google” is typically the answer to the question “where did you get the photos for your presentation and posters?” And yet, there are two issues with …

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  • Secrets to great presentations

    Ten tricks to have your audience hang on your lips I shouldn’t be giving these away. If I spill the beans like this, I may not …

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  • Presenting in your underwear: an interview with mosquito expert Bart Knols

    How do you capture your audience? While I was doing research on malaria for an article in EOS (a popular science magazine), I came across Bart …

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  • Fear of public speaking

    Five tips to turn your anxiety into an ally Cold sweats. Forgetting your lines. Red face. Stuttering. Croaky voice. Feeling as if you’re completely losing control over …

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  • Why not try an analogy?

    Some matters cannot be explained in simple terms. Science is intricate and your research is often so specialized that even people from your own discipline …

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  • SlideDog: useful tool to avoid awkward presentation mistakes

    Out of the blue – projected on that big screen up front – is a picture of the organizer, wearing only swimming trunks, holding a …

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  • How much food are you throwing away?

    We throw away one third of our food’, I read in the newspaper. A calculation made by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United …

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  • These 5 deadly sins will wreck your presentation

    How much time are we devoting to presentations worldwide? How much money are companies coughing up to have people attend presentations that have very little …

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  • Top speaker also on top at your event

    You are blown away by a certain speaker. This guy received a standing ovation. How perfect would it be to have him also speak at …

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  • How Word is your PowerPoint?

    Question: how essential are you for your own presentation? Chances are you are of much less value to your presentation than you would hope. The problem: …

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  • The world population in Ikea boxes

    Which researcher is a must-see? Without a doubt, Hans Rosling. In an interview, this Swedish statistician talks about presenting data that people can both enjoy …

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