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  • Three golden tips for solid science communication

    The book Weg van Water (Dutch) recently hit the stores. I (Toon) wrote it together with water researcher Marjolein Vanoppen and boy are we proud …

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  • Good to know when you are nervous

    A friend of mine plays the oboe. Each and every time we attend one of her performances it sounds flawless and truly impressive. Literally, not …

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  • A technique that is good for everything

    Drink plenty of water. It helps to eliminate toxins, regulate your body temperature, and improve your concentration… Drinking water, it seems like the magic solution …

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  • Online presentations follow their own set of rules and you’d better get the hang of them

    Online presentations are quickly gaining a bad reputation. Take a look at the following email, for example, that recently made its way into our mailbox: "The …

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  • How do you get your online audience to respond?

    Tell me if this sounds familiar: You are presenting an online class or talk and you ask your audience a question. You wait, and wait …

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  • More warmth in your online presentations

    I had been talking in front of the webcam for the past half hour. Three participants had asked a question in the chat box, but …

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  • A lazy researcher fills his slides with a lot of text

    One of the reasons why researchers are often hesitant to apply our tips is because they think it will come across as lazy. A single …

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  • Presenting your PhD in 20 minutes: how do you get started?

    “One of the best presentations seen in Corona times.” This sentence comes from the jury report, following the PhD defense of Elien Bellon (KU Leuven). …

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  • Zoom deserves a second chance

    Video conferencing tool Zoom was placed under strict restrictions or even outright banned at most Flemish academic institutions in April 2020. The reasons for this had …

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  • Sociology has the most difficult jargon

    From chemistry to literary history and from nursing to physics. They each have their specific jargon, but do you know which has the most difficult …

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  • ‘I almost felt like a rock star’

    The impact of Antonella Fioravanti’s killer presentation Can a great presentation change your life? Yes, it can! In 2018, Molecular Biologist Antonella Fioravanti presented her research …

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  • Presenting online? Bring the essence and only the essence

    Recently we’ve transitioned to also hosting all our workshops online. That is going well and we continue to learn new things along the way. From …

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  • Online presentations: how do you get started?

    Currently, all meetings, classes and conferences have been suspended. Fortunately, there are plenty of online tools that allow us to continue to communicate with each …

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  • Science is boring

    ‘Science is boring’, says biologist and science communicator Sally Le Page in her YouTube video. Because as a scientist, you spend most of your days …

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  • Here is how to create a new presentation (step by step) – Part 2

    Recently I wanted to give our media workshop a full makeover. Not just revise several slides, but completely rebuild things from the bottom up. Let me share …

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  • Here is how to create a new presentation (step by step) – Part 1

    Recently I wanted to give our media workshop a full makeover. Not just revise several slides, but completely rebuild things from the bottom up. Let me share …

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  • How you can outperform a Nobel Prize winner

    Imagine having the opportunity to share the stage with one of your ultimate heroes, someone you really look up to. And your presentation follows theirs. …

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  • Take your place front and center

    Giving a talk takes courage. The spotlight is on you, and instinctively many presenters simply want to hide away behind their laptop or lectern. Away …

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  • Winning the PhD Cup? 5 insider tips

    Many PhD graduates dream of winning the Flemish PhD Cup. But no pain, no gain! They will need to explain their research in under three …

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  • Tackle the world (and your presentation) as is

    ‘Tackle the world as is.’ The person standing next to me is Tom, he is a freerunner and my guide during an initiation to the …

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  • Science podcasts you should be listening to

    It’s summer. It’s quiet down the corridors, email traffic has slowed down and you may have found yourself with some added free time on your …

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  • 8 body language signals to avoid!

    You’re on stage, ready to utter the first word of your presentation. When all of a sudden, someone veers up from the first row and …

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  • Finish strong. That’s how you do it

    Have you ever finished a presentation with an emergency landing? You’ve reached the end of your talk and are not quite sure how to round …

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  • What if your supervisor or boss isn’t big on clear presentations?

    Tell us if this sounds familiar: You’ve been working as a doctoral researcher for several months now. And after having attended a series of seminars …

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  • Four steps to pitch your project

    What is the best way to pitch your research or project? We already covered this in a previous post, but let’s now look at a …

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  • Nervous? How to keep your calm, even when presenting under extreme pressure.

    Are you a bundle of nerves in front of an audience? Do you toss and turn the night before? Dreading a black-out or red blotches …

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