Lessons from an award winning scientific poster
From workshop to award After a poster workshop from The Floor is Yours, Michelle Wijshoff, a researcher at imec, won a poster award for her poster …
From workshop to award After a poster workshop from The Floor is Yours, Michelle Wijshoff, a researcher at imec, won a poster award for her poster …
Our new book is in shops: Stand Out with Your Scientific Poster. Are you a researcher struggling with creating scientific posters, or just want to …
Our new book, Stand Out with Your Scientific Poster, will be released in February. Are you a researcher struggling with creating scientific posters or just …
Scientists are among the most frequent of travelers, globe-trotting to various international conferences, summer schools, meetings, … We are all aware of the negative impact …
Have you ever attended a scientific poster fair? A place filled with fascinating insights and ground-breaking research. Where you can tune in to riveting conversations …
Our blog is filled with advice on how to create your next poster. And yet, many researchers are simply not applying those tips. Why is …
There are scientists who are fluent with (digital) pen and paper. They combine their passion for research with a passion for graphic design and create beautiful and funny …
I was recently asked to take a look at Julie De Smedt’s infographic about her research. Julie is a researcher with Steunpunt Media, and this …
Dorien Goubert, researcher with the University Ghent, plans to attend a symposium about pain in Vienna. She wants to know how she can win the …
“Google” is typically the answer to the question “where did you get the photos for your presentation and posters?” And yet, there are two issues with …